jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014


  A letter is a written communication via a transmitter (sender) and sent to a receiver (receiver).


There are different types of sane letter to the classification is made. Within the professional field include:

1. Letters of introduction . Through this letter the person presented herself in the job you want to be hired. In addition to personal data, educational background , qualities , skills , etc. and the information that the individual considers that matches the profile of the company that ships are included .

2. Letter of thanks. It is a demonstration of courtesy and express gratitude to the recipient for the good treatment , Their help , etc. . They tend to exhibit clearly the reasons why you are thanking , and often contain comments that were not said in person.

3. Letters of recommendation . The purpose is to highlight the competitive positions a person who has previously worked in order to support his candidacy for a particular job .

4. Letters of dismissal. Through this the company tells the employee dismissal , including its causes .

5. Letters of request. Through the same clients request information about a particular product or service . One of the main characteristics of this type of letter is that the required data should be expressed in a very clear and precise.

6. Letters of apology. They are written in order to apologize for a fault or mistake has been committed . Include the reasons why apologies are offered and usually the person expresses a commitment on your part not to repeat the error.

7. Letters of complaint. Are written when a good or service does not respond to the purpose for which it was acquired . When an individual 's expectations about that product had failed to be met , uses this kind of letter expressing discontent and demanding satisfaction about it.

 All letters must meet some basic structure:

Place and date: indicate where the person sending the letter and what type it is day. 

The heading is the prayer that begins a letter. It presents to the receptor, inviting him to read the contents of it. 

Body of the letter: the main text to be communicated. 

Farewell: a greeting with which a letter is completed. 

Signature is the name of the person sending the letter. 
The letters are placed in an envelope to be sent through the mail. It should contain the sender on the back and on the front of the recipient. 

Full name of the sender or recipient. 

Address, city and zip code.

The memorandum or memo 

  It is a brief letter by which information is exchanged between different departments within an organization to communicate any indication, recommendation, statement or provision. 
        Characteristics of a memorandum 

          He writes in the third person. 
          Relates entirely to the question asked (it is specific-accurate). 
          Use positive construction. 
          No word used rodeos. 
          Sentences are short and direct and clear 

The structure of the document consists of the following parts: 
      Name (s) to whom it is addressed. 
      Name (s) sender (s). 
      Written drafted briefly. 
      Signature (s). 

              Your writing should be brief, clear and precise; even though this type of communication is not customary to use the bounce, there are times to be used to give a personal touch to the message and polite.


Difference between Cata and the Memorandum 

      One difference is that the cards are used to 
communicate with those outside an organization and 
  memorandum are designed for those that are inside.

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